Actividades Bilingües

Primary tabs

Program Type:

Educational, Bilingual

Age Group:

Elementary, Teens, Adults
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.

Program Description

Event Details

Established in 2010, Actividades Bilingües is a program run by EKU students with the goal of serving the Latino community in Richmond, Ky.  Anyone can attend Actividades Bilingües if they want help with their Spanish or English learning journey!

Establecido en 2010, Actividades Bilingües es un programa dirigido por estudiantes de EKU con el objectivo servir a la comunidad latina en Richmond, Ky. Cualquier persona puede asistir Actividades Binlingües sí quiere ayudar con su viaje de aprender inglés o español.



For special assistance during a library program, please contact the library at least 72 hours before the scheduled event.

Food Allergies

We cannot guarantee that the food served at this program has not come into contact with tree nuts, soy, or other allergens. If you have specific dietary restrictions, please contact the Youth Services team in advance to request a specialty lunch. Please note that we cannot guarantee all requests will be fulfilled.