Outreach Visit or Program Request Form

All outreach requests need to be submitted a minimum of 8 weeks before the event is scheduled. If your event is within the 8-week minimum you may still submit a request but attendance may not possible. Attendance at any event is up to the library’s discretion.
Name of Contact
Event Type
(home visit, facility visit, etc.)
(library services including checkouts provided at your location)
(Book clubs, crafts, literacy based activities, etc.)
(Information, giveaways, etc.)
Target Age Group for Event
(Please select the PRIMARY age group for your event.)
(If you do not have a specific date or time for the requested event please provide an estimate.)
Event Address
(Please note: Our Bookmobile requires approximately 10 feet in height and 20 feet in length of clearance. A lift in the back can provide wheelchair accessibility if there is additional length for our space and a flat surface behind the vehicle.)
Specific types of materials to bring for the event
(book subjects/wish list, target age groups, etc.)
(book subjects/wish list, target age groups, etc.)
(book clubs, crafts, literacy based activities, etc.)
(information and giveaways)
Are restrooms available to library staff?
Is a drinking fountain or free water available for library staff?
Is this an indoor event?