Naming Rights

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Public Policies

Madison County Public Library

Naming Rights Policy (2024)

Scope and Responsibility

The Madison County Public Library Board of Trustees shall have sole responsibility for naming or renaming library facilities and/or subunits of facilities.  


Generally, facilities shall be named with a preference for geographic or functional designations. However, the Madison County Public Library may also offer naming rights in the following instances:

  • when there is a strong community desire for a specific name for a facility;
  • when the board desires to honor an individual, foundation or corporation for outstanding service contributions that are consistent with the nature and mission of the library; and/or 
  • when the library wishes to recognize substantial financial contributions to support library facilities. 


A naming opportunity may be offered to an individual, foundation or corporation in response to strong community input or in recognition of outstanding contributions that are consistent with the nature and mission of the library. Any trustee, staff member or citizen of Madison County may nominate an individual for special recognition. In such a case, the board will evaluate the appropriateness of such a nomination and determine the proper recognition.

Naming opportunities may also be offered to individuals, families, foundations, organizations or corporations to recognize financial support for library facilities and sub-units of library facilities. These opportunities will be administered by the director and approved by the board per the library’s donation policy. 


Naming rights shall not be offered into perpetuity. The board reserves the right to re-examine, rename or change names of facilities and sub-facilities at any time. In the event a naming opportunity is in recognition of financial support, the board and donor will agree to a term prior to commitment approval. The board shall have thirty days to modify any commitment. 

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