This event is in the "Berea" group. This event is in the "Richmond" group. This event is in the "Virtual" group. This event is in the "Off Site" group. Closing Christmas Closure All Day 12/24 - 12/25 This event is in the "Berea" group. This event is in the "Richmond" group. This event is in the "Virtual" group. This event is in the "Off Site" group. Dec 24 - 25 2020 Closing Christmas Closure All Day 12/24 - 12/25 Branches: Berea, Richmond, Virtual, Off Site Description: All library locations will be closed on December 24 and 25, 2020, for the Christmas holiday. We will reopen on December 26 at 9AM.
This event is in the "Richmond" group. Free GED Classes 9:00am - 12:30pm Richmond This event is in the "Richmond" group. Dec 22 2020 Tue Free GED Classes 9:00am - 12:30pm Richmond Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened. Library Branch: Richmond Room: Main Floor Conference Room #138 Age Group: Adults Program Type: Workshop Event Details: Free GED classes are now being held at the Madison County Public library, Richmond location. Space is limited. Please call 859-622-8065 to enroll. Disclaimer(s) Masks or face coverings required Due to social distancing guidelines, attendees are required to wear a mask or face covering to participate in this event.
This event is in the "Richmond" group. Zumba 10:00am - 11:00am Richmond Closed Required This event is in the "Richmond" group. Dec 26 2020 Sat Zumba 10:00am - 11:00am Richmond Closed Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened. Library Branch: Richmond Room: Ground Floor Community Room #013 Age Group: Adults Program Type: Educational, Entertainment, Health and Wellness Required Seats Remaining: 15 Event Details: Join us at the library's Richmond location for free Zumba classes taught by Bree McGaffey! Zumba is an exhilarating, effective, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired dance workout that is described as a “fitness party.” Join the party: Space is limited.
This event is in the "Richmond" group. Maker Lab Crash Course : Serger and Sewing Machine 11:00am - 12:00pm Richmond Closed Required This event is in the "Richmond" group. Dec 22 2020 Tue Maker Lab Crash Course : Serger and Sewing Machine 11:00am - 12:00pm Richmond Closed Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened. Library Branch: Richmond Room: Makerspace Age Group: Adults Program Type: Educational, Technology Classes, Workshop Required Seats Remaining: 9 Event Details: Come and learn how to use the maker's spaces' serger, and sewing machine.
This event is in the "Virtual" group. Stories with Santa 1:00pm - 1:30pm Virtual Virtual Event This event is in the "Virtual" group. Dec 20 2020 Sun Stories with Santa 1:00pm - 1:30pm Virtual Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened. Library Branch: Virtual Age Group: Elementary Program Type: Performances, Storytimes Event Details: December is an excellent time to enjoy a good book in the warmth of your home. You’re invited to join us on the library Facebook page for stories with Santa. Jolly Ol’ St.
This event is in the "Richmond" group. The Tabletop Adventurers' Society 1:00pm - 6:00pm Richmond This event is in the "Richmond" group. Dec 26 2020 Sat The Tabletop Adventurers' Society 1:00pm - 6:00pm Richmond Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened. Library Branch: Richmond Room: Main Floor Conference Room #138 Age Group: Adults Program Type: Workshop Tabletop Adventurers The Tabletop Adventurers' Society is a gathering of various RPG gamers joined together as one organization in order to provide easy access to a list of potential group members (players, DM's, etc.) to anyone looking to fill out their table, as well as to provide a regular meet-up for play and encouraging new players into the hobby. The Society will work to promote a friendly social environment while fostering learning, exploring new concepts and promoting creativity through the act of collectively telling stories together. It will take a look at and utilize various tabletop RPG systems to delve into these stories and immerse participants in the various events and interactions to help promote personal and intellectual growth. Disclaimer(s) Masks or face coverings required Due to social distancing guidelines, attendees are required to wear a mask or face covering to participate in this event.
This event is in the "Richmond" group. Nifty Needlers 3:30pm - 6:00pm Richmond This event is in the "Richmond" group. Dec 21 2020 Mon Nifty Needlers 3:30pm - 6:00pm Richmond Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened. Library Branch: Richmond Room: Main Floor Conference Room #138 Age Group: Adults Program Type: Arts & Crafts, How To Nifty Needlers You may be a Nifty Needler if . . . you love to knit and/or crochet; your bumper sticker says “I brake for yarn stores;” you make items for your church, Project Linus or other charities; you’d love to share a great pattern or yarn you found with people who understand; your family would call Hobby Lobby first if you went missing. If you answered yes to any of these, join us for stitching. Disclaimer(s) Masks or face coverings required Due to social distancing guidelines, attendees are required to wear a mask or face covering to participate in this event.
This event is in the "Richmond" group. Free GED Classes 4:00pm - 7:30pm Richmond This event is in the "Richmond" group. Dec 21 2020 Mon Free GED Classes 4:00pm - 7:30pm Richmond Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened. Library Branch: Richmond Room: Main Floor Conference Room #138 Age Group: Adults Program Type: Educational
This event is in the "Richmond" group. Maker Lab Crash Course: CNC router 5:00pm - 6:00pm Richmond Closed Required This event is in the "Richmond" group. Dec 21 2020 Mon Maker Lab Crash Course: CNC router 5:00pm - 6:00pm Richmond Closed Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened. Library Branch: Richmond Room: Makerspace Age Group: Teens, Adults Program Type: Technology Classes Required Seats Remaining: 10 Event Details: This class is a requirement for usage of the CNC router. During this class we will cover the safety protocols as well as basic use of our CNC router.